If you have been to any of our TransparencyCamp unconferences, the popular Labs Open House or happy hour then you know that we organize great events. And just as much as you support our events, we equally enjoy supporting other events -- especially when they involve bringing together a bunch of geeks like us who love cracking open code and making our government more transparent and open.
In that light, we are casting the net further by reviving our events platform to get you talking about your own event and assist you with sponsorship needs. For an idea about the kind of events that we are looking to engage in, here are a few that we have been a part of, so far:
Types of events we consider for sponsorship:
- Hackathons
- Tech Meetups
- Tech Bar Camps
- Datafests
- CityCamps
- Small tech conferences
- Tech Happy hours

Photos credit: Paul Schreiber, Howard Dy, dtraleigh.
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