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Tag Archive: federalregister Wins Innovation Award


Remember the inspiring story of 2.0, and its humble beginnings as Apps For America finalist Well, the team behind the site has won another commendation, this time from ACUS:

According to its website, the Administrative Conference of the United States is an independent federal agency dedicated to improving the administrative process through consensus-driven applied research, providing nonpartisan expert advice and recommendations for improvement of federal agency procedures. In a writeup about, ACUS describes some lessons learned that other agencies should take to heart:

  1. Make your data available in bulk so others can use it.
  2. Work with volunteers in the community and encourage them to develop new applications with your data.
  3. If the volunteers come up with something great, work with them and use those components on the government web site.
  4. Make the source code for the government web site open source so other agencies and other non-governmental organizations can make customized versions.

We at Sunlight Labs could not agree more. Congratulations to the team at!

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Meet the New Federal Register


screenshot of the new federal register siteIf you haven't already, be sure to check out the new, which launched last night. For some of you, the site might bring to mind govpulse, one of the winners of our second Apps for America contest. That's no coincidence: GPO and NARA, the agencies responsible for maintaining the FR, sought out Andrew, Dave and Bob -- the folks behind govpulse -- and asked them to help build the new site.

As you can imagine, those of us at Sunlight are pretty excited about this. It's a great validation of the work of the Labs community, and a wonderful example of what's possible when government stays open to the transformative possibilities offered by technology.

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