Join the Sunlight Foundation, EFF and MuckRock on March 19 for a Sunshine Week Happy Hour presenting the Foilies, awards that will be given to the most extraordinary and egregious FOIA responses.
Continue readingTag Archive: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
A big win for open government: Sunlight gets U.S. to release indexes of federal data
For the first time, the United States government has agreed to release what we believe to be the largest index of government data in the world.
Continue reading47 groups rally around FOIA reform as bill moves to Senate floor
It's time for FOIA reform. The Sunlight Foundation is joined by 46 other public interest groups in making that call and celebrating the movement that's already happened.
Continue readingCornyn goes to bat for FOIA Improvement Act – attorney general nominee Lynch, not so much
It was reassuring to see Cornyn bring up FOIA reform to Attorney General nominee Loretta Lynch's attention yesterday — specifically calling on Lynch to support one of the critical components of the bill: the presumption of openness.
Continue readingOpengov leaders: President Obama, use your bully pulpit to promote democracy reforms in the State of the Union
We asked a diverse set of leaders on the forefront of advocating for civic engagement, civic technology, government accountability and open government to weigh in on what President Obama should say in tonight’s State of the Union.
Continue readingOpen Government in Canada: Ambitious plan yet to be implemented
Sunlight took a closer look at Canadian latest open government action plan and analyzed its commitments to provide the international community with some food for thought, and the Canadian government with a few recommendations for the future improvement and implementation of the plan.
Continue readingFOIA reform is dead (in this Congress), long live FOIA reform!
The chance for reforms to the Freedom of Information Act in the 113th Congress is officially gone. And yet, there is more reason to celebrate today than to despair.
Continue readingWho’s trying to kill FOIA reform now? Bankers!
The widely supported FOIA Improvement Act — which is staring down the clock of death in the House — has inspired a flood of last-second lobbying by anonymous banking interests.
Continue readingDo-or-die for FOIA reform: FTC, other agencies trying to stall it to death
It's the end of the legislative year, and it's do-or-die time for passing the FOIA Improvement Act.
Continue readingFOIA Improvement Act clears Senate hold, heads to House
There's hope for FOIA reform after all!
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