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Tag Archive: Market Meltdown

Financial Bailout: Who does Shelby see at his fundraisers?


Among Sen. Richard Shelby's top career donors are employees, their family members and PACs of the following players in the nation's financial meltdown: Citigroup ("written off and lost $53.6 billion through the credit crunch so far, which is more than any other bank or broker,") JPMorgan Chase & Co. (which bought Bear Stearns) and First American Corp. (a subsidiary of which appraises home values).

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Financial Bailout: Who does Dodd see at his fundraisers?


Among Sen. Christopher Dodd's top career donors are employees, their family members and PACs of the following players in the nation's financial meltdown: Citigroup ("written off and lost $53.6 billion through the credit crunch so far, which is more than any other bank or broker,") Bear Stearns ("Bear Stearns's mortgage business, a big driver of profits, has been eviscerated,"), SAC Capital Partners (vehemently denies charge that they helped bring down Bear Stearns), American International Group (saved by an emergency $85 billion rescue), Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley (each of which are morphing into bank holding companies ...

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A compendium of mortgage bank failures


The Mortgage Lender Implode-o-Meter has a useful list of companies that have gone belly up in the subprime mortgage crisis that appears to be more the trigger than the overall cause of the current financial meltdown. I was looking at it Friday, browsing the stories, and some of it is pretty incredible (the list of 285 failures is pretty incredible). Reading about the first failure, Merit Financial, gives a flavor of just how freewheeling these firms could be:

The 42 complaints received by state agencies and the Better Business Bureau give insight into Merit's problems. Addressed individually, none was ...

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