In a historic runoff, Argentina has just elected Mauricio Macri as the country's new president. In this time of change, the country must push for more transparency in its elections.
Continue readingTag Archive: moneypoliticstransparency
New draft of Declaration on Political Finance Openness released
In honor of the 2015 Open Government Partnership Summit, we are happy to release the newest draft of the Declaration on Political Finance Openness as part of the Money, Politics and Transparency project (MPT).
Continue readingCorporate money easily finds its way into Argentine elections
As we approach the 2015 Argentina elections, Sunlight found corporate money easily finds its way to political campaigns — even though it's prohibited on paper.
Continue readingHow dark money is clouding South Asian politics
Examining new data from the Money, Politics and Transparency project, Sunlight discovered South Asian countries fared poorly when it comes to having transparent and effective political finance practices.
Continue readingNew resources from the Money, Politics and Transparency project expose money’s troubling role in politics
Today, the Money, Politics and Transparency project is excited to release a new set of resources that expose money’s troubling role in political parties and elections around the globe.
Continue readingJoin our efforts to support transparency reform in Chile
The public has a right to information about political campaigns — and we are imploring the Chilean government to recognize it. Help amplify our message by adding your voice.
Continue readingDo U.K. campaign laws miss the mark on transparency?
Recent legislation in the U.K. promises increased transparency in elections, but will it really shine a light on the money of special interests?
Continue readingFrom Ireland to South Africa, new reforms shine a light on political influence across the globe
With Sunlight’s Money, Politics and Transparency project, we're raising awareness about money's influence on governance across the globe. Recently, we've discovered some resilient initiatives that shine a light on anonymous cash that's pouring into politics.
Continue readingOpenGov Voices: Advancing access to campaign finance data in Puerto Rico
Previously, citizens examining campaign finance information in Puerto Rico had to pay for paper copies of it. Now, ABRE Puerto Rico's developed a new tool allowing anyone to view and analyze this data online for free.
Continue readingCan public funding initiatives for political activity increase openness?
Increasingly, countries around the world are trying to balance the costs of political activities with public subsidies. What benefits can public funding for political activities have on transparency and accountability in elections?
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