Working with criminal justice information has led to new challenges for Sunlight developers. Using a tool called Elasticsearch, we're cutting through the newfound jargon to produce a useful criminal justice database.
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Clearing up the confusion about our analysis of net neutrality comments to the FCC
We've gotten some intense responses and questions after releasing our latest analysis of public comments on the FCC's proposal to regulate Internet traffic. In this post, we try to clear up the issues that have been raised.
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A letter-writing campaign that appears to have been organized by a shadowy organization with ties to the Koch Brothers inundated the Federal Communications Commission with missives opposed to net neutrality, an analysis by the Sunlight Foundation reveals.
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FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler’s proposed rules regarding net neutrality resulted in the commission’s largest-ever public comment collection. Use this visualization to browse the hundreds of thousands of documents in a simple and manageable way.
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Today Sunlight is launching Poligraft, what I think is one of the coolest, most revealing and most interesting tools of... View Article
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