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Today in #OpenGov 9/12/2013


National News

  • Agencies may be holding out on the National Archives and Records Administration, according to a new GAO report. NARA is trying to find out where all Federal agencies store their physical records, but hasn't received responses from a number of agencies. The report criticized NARA for relying on agency provided data and not doing their own legwork. (Fierce Government)
  • In other NARA news, the agency recently decided that high-level administration officials can continue to use private email addresses to conduct government business on the condition that they agree to preserve the records and turn them over the the Archives at some point. The accounts also must comply with Federal record keeping rules and be available under the FOIA. (Washington Post)
  • Officials from USAID and the State Department are venting their frustration with the watchdog appointed to ensure that their operations in Afghanistan are not mismanaged and wasteful. Unfortunately for them John Sopko, appointed as special inspector general for Afghan reconstruction last year, has found numerous examples of both. (New York Times)
  • Despite the appearance that our political system is drowning in money, many GOP outside spending groups aren't happy with their fundraising pace ahead of the 2014 elections. The GOP has high hopes of taking control of the entire legislative branch, but right now they're having trouble convincing their wealthy benefactors to kick in huge sums following the party's frustrating performance in 2012. (POLITICO)
  • A new poll of the impending Kentucky Senate bloodbath shows that Mitch McConnell might be vulnerable for his strong support of massive, opaque political spending. His Democratic opponent, Alison Lundergan Grimes, has strong fundraising appeal and might be able to use McConnell's own rules against him. (Washington Post)
International News
  • Officials and civil society groups are working in Afghanistan with the goal of using technology to enhance transparency and participation in the country's electoral process. With a Presidential election scheduled for next April, now is the time to make improvements and boost the public's confidence in the system. (NDI Democracy Works)
  • Certain factors, like the civil society participation, concrete goals, and independent monitoring mechanisms, make the OGP stand out. However, it is still an imperfect process as recent independent reports have pointed out. Among the issues raised are the ease with which countries can join, the lack of real consultations between government and civil society, and minimal or weak commitments. (Open Knowledge Blog)
State and Local News
  • Open Twin Cities issued an open data questionnaire to candidates for Minneapolis' City Council and Mayor. Candidates have until October 1 to complete the form, which is intended to highlight open data as an important issue and identify where candidates stand. (Open Twin Cities)
  • Meanwhile in the Twin Cities, the Minneapolis Police Department pulled their excel crime data reports shortly after the MinnPost launched a crime app that makes use of the data. The Police Department cited accuracy concerns with the editable spreadsheets and used the flimsy excuse that they still release information in PDF format.  (MinnPost)
  • The Chicago City Council took a controversial vote yesterday to eliminate their gun registry. Gun owners in the city will no longer be required to register their weapons or obtain a permit, although they will have to apply for a license if they want to conceal that they are packing heat in public. (Washington Post)

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Today in #OpenGov 9/11/2013


National News

  • NASA's CIO for IT, Dr. Sasi Pillay, dug into the topics of open innovation and crowdsourcing during a discussion with FedScoopTV. (FedScoop)
  • In a sign of just how dirty the word has become, the American League of Lobbyists is thinking about dropping the "lobbyists" from its name. Presumably they'll come up with something better than The American League of People Who Get Paid Well to Convince Their Former Bosses to Support Their Current Bosses. (The Hill)
  • A lobbyist appears to have crossed a line yesterday while trying to protect a client from Congressional pressure. Members of the House Oversight Committee, who held a hearing on agency transparency yesterday, revealed an email one of its members received from a lobbyist explicitly asking them to avoid questioning Jonathan Silver, former head of the Energy Department's loan program office. (The Hill)
  • The Israel Lobby, in the form of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, is planning an all out push to convince congress to go along with President Obama's plan to bomb Syria. The groups is sending 300 of its members to Capitol Hill today.  (New York Times)
  • Chuck Schumer (D-NY) had trouble getting a quorum for a vote by the Senate Rules Committee that he chairs yesterday. A vote had been scheduled on President Obama's two nominees for the Federal Election Commission, but other lawmakers on the panel were presumably busy with other things like Syria. Schumer said a vote is still imminent, assuming he can round up a few of his colleagues. (Public Integrity)
International News
  • Open government information is increasingly being used to compare localities around the world on a wide range of topics, but a general lack of standardized data could make it harder to make full and robust comparisons. (Open Knowledge Blog)
  • Costa Rica joined the OGP in January 2012 and took its time working out a National Action Plan, presented in April 2013. According to their national OGP coordinator their priority was strong collaboration and consultation with civil society groups. (Open Government Partnership)
State and Local News
  • Buffalo, NY is trying to do big things with small data. City employees worked together to pull together a variety of data sources to help them identify neighborhoods that needed attention. They realized that looking at more than six months worth of data was both overwhelming and unnecessary.  (Information Week)
  • Politicians in Wisconisn are attempting to restrict public access to a popular database of court records, despite heavy opposition from media groups, landlords, and the state court system itself. The site includes information about civil and criminal cases filed in the state and is accessed 3 to 5 million times per day. (NFOIC)
  • Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi sure is dedicated to her campaign schedule. She asked for an execution to be delayed, because apparently she takes the part of her job description that says she has to watch prisoners be put to death very seriously,  in order to accommodate a fundraiser for her reelection campaign. (POLITICO)

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Today in #OpenGov 9/9/2013


National News

  • Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) is standing up for Federal whistleblowers after a troubling court decision last month. Grassley sent a letter to the Obama administration urging it to ensure that large swaths of workers will not have their right to appeal to the Merit Systems Protection Board taken away. (Washington Post)
  • Despite the media's enduring love of coverage about new super PACs, many of the groups, including some run by big political names, are having trouble raising money this year. (POLITICO)
  • Soon-to-be Senator Cory Booker is ending his cutting his ties with Waywire, an internet startup that he helped pull together by leveraging his connections in Silicon Valley. Stories about the startup have not been able to stop the Newark, New Jersey Mayor's roll towards Capitol Hill, but they have become embarrassing.  (New York Times)
International News
  • President Obama stressed the importance of freedom of the press, assembly, and speech at a meeting with Russian civil society organizations during his trip to the G-20 last week. Russia has taken a restrictive view of press and civil society, with recent controversies over gay rights highlighting some of the issues.  (POLITICO)
  • Britain is considering a plan to significantly change the scope of their census. The plan would save money, but experts are concerned that it would not provide necessary levels of detail to researchers and businesses who rely on the data. (BBC News)
  • South Australia is jumping into open data feet first with a series of initiatives including a new data portal, an open data action plan, and an open data challenge to encourage use of government data. (FutureGov)
  • The Declaration on Parliamentary Openness continues to line up support around the globe, recently adding the first International Organization to its list of backers. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly endorsed the declaration this month. (NDI)
State and Local News
  • Escalating fears of a municipal credit crisis are resulting in higher debt service costs for local governments. One way to alleviate some of these concerns is to make more information available to investors in better formats, specifically, according to this post, XBRL. (Tabb Forum)
  • The long fight to get California to post raw campaign and lobbying data online may be coming to an end. According to Secretary of State Deborah Bowen both datasets will now be available for download through the Cal-Access portal. (Tech Wire)
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