There are 435 members of the House of Representatives up for re-election this year, but how many of those races will actually be competitive — and how many will see an influx of money in an effort to influence the outcome?
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The top 10 big-money Senate races in 2016 — so far
Since the fate of the Senate is at stake in November, we examined the campaign finance data around the most expensive contests using Sunlight's Real-Time Influence Explorer tool.
Continue readingJanuary and February reporting powered by Sunlight tools and data
Throughout the first two months of 2016, Sunlight’s tools were used in stories that ranged from big-money fundraisers to criminal justice data to legislative dataviz.
Continue readingOutside groups raise big money to influence 2016 congressional elections
2016 isn't just about the White House. Outside groups are raising tons of cash in an effort to influence our congressional elections, too.
Continue readingWhat to expect from the Jan. 31 FEC filing deadline
Here’s a quick rundown of what we can expect from this weekend's FEC filing deadline, from Right to Rise's cash on hand to how much Donald Trump relies on his own funds.
Continue readingFEC provides one stop downloading for committee spending data
The FEC has made new information available in bulk form, a big step forward for investigators and political reporters looking to go through PAC spending line by line.
Continue readingCampaign reformers: Tighten coordination rules first
Coordination rules — the ones that keep independent super PACs independent — aren't working as they were intended.
Continue readingMedical groups help elect lawmakers who oppose physician pay cuts, support medical device tax repeal
Medical and doctors specialty groups jumped into the independent spending fray in the 2014 elections, supporting candidates who would help their bottom line.
Continue readingKeystone XL: Senate caught between big donors
A handful of moderate Democrats could decide the bill's fate. A vote in either direction could trigger special interest attacks on the campaign trail.
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