As city staff hear new ideas at the SXSW Cities Summit, a recurring question they'll likely ask is, "how do I convince my colleagues that this is a good idea?"
Continue readingAs city staff hear new ideas at the SXSW Cities Summit, a recurring question they'll likely ask is, "how do I convince my colleagues that this is a good idea?"
Continue readingIn a few short hours I and much of the rest of the internet will be descending on Austin, TX for SXSW Interactive. If you're among the folks who'll be attending, I hope you'll consider coming by one or more of the panels and events we'll be doing:
But even if you can't make it to the panels, we hope you'll say hello -- just drop either Drew or me an email (tlee/dvogel (at) sunlightfoundation.com) or tweet at the @sunlightlabs account.
For those of you headed to California instead of Texas, note than an even bigger contingent of labs staffers is currently winging its way toward PyCon. They'll be leading our now-traditional open government code sprint, looking for folks who want to contribute to Open States and/or a new, super-secret (well, not really) community project.
Merry conference-going to all -- we're looking forward to seeing some old friends, and to making some new ones.
Continue readingWe've been really pleased with the enthusiastic response that OpenGov has received since its launch. Today's brought one more bit of good news: the site's been named a finalist in the Accelerator competition of this year's SXSWi. You can find the full details over at the OG blog. Congratulations to David, Carl and the rest of the PPF team!
And while I've got you thinking about state legislative data, check out what Gabriel Florit's done to visualize data from Open States. It's very neat stuff, and a great early example of the kinds of things that we think the project will make possible.
Continue readingA lot of folks from the Sunlight Foundation will be heading to SxSW Interactive and we hope members of the Sunlight Labs community will follow us on twitter and find us wherever we're at to meet up. It'd be great to put some faces to the names of the people in our community.
For those that aren't going to SxSW though, and do use twitter, SxSW represents an annual flood of conference information that pollutes your twitter stream with stuff you don't care about. Last year, my friend and neighbor Mike for instance, ended up unfollowing all his friends on Twitter that were at SxSW because it got so overwhelming.
This tip will only help out Mac users, but I've experimented with it and found it useful.
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