Celebrate eight years of Sunlight with our interactive report, "Milestones and Metamorphosis: A Chronology of Sunlight and OpenGov.
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Sunlight’s Year in Review: 2013 was pretty great
2013 was a busy year for the Sunlight Foundation. The past 12 months were so jam packed that we couldn't contain everything to just a blog post (or email or video). Check out Sunlight's 2013 year in review.
Continue readingOpen Data We’re Thankful For
While this is a little late-- late's better than never for giving thanks. And this year, we've got a lot to be thankful for. Open Data in Open Government is making leaps and strides. The Vice President is talking data quality in government on the Daily Show. ABC News along with Recovery.gov's controversy have brought government data into prime time. It's been a long time since transparency like this has seen this kind of attention.
At this time of Thanksgiving here in the United States I wanted to give thanks for the new and changing government datasets that we have now. Some are truly amazing.
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