2017 was one of the most tumultuous years in recent political memory for the United States, but throughout the year city halls emerged as leaders on civic innovation, transparency, and good government.
Continue reading2017 was one of the most tumultuous years in recent political memory for the United States, but throughout the year city halls emerged as leaders on civic innovation, transparency, and good government.
Continue readingCelebrate eight years of Sunlight with our interactive report, "Milestones and Metamorphosis: A Chronology of Sunlight and OpenGov.
Continue readingThis was a landmark year for local open data — take a look back at some of the advances that were made.
Continue reading2013 was a busy year for the Sunlight Foundation. The past 12 months were so jam packed that we couldn't contain everything to just a blog post (or email or video). Check out Sunlight's 2013 year in review.
Continue readingIt's been a busy year in the Labs. In a few days we'll filter back into the office, rested, recharged and ready to tackle 2011. But before then, let's take a second to recall everything that happened in 2010.
I should start with the most important stuff: the people. We added a bunch of new teammates this year. Andrew, Chris, Alison, Caitlin and Aaron have all proven to be great additions to Sunlight; we're lucky to have them. We also had some folks move around within the Labs. Ali officially became Sunlight's Creative Director; Ethan took over the Data Commons Project; and Kevin grabbed the helm of Subsidyscope. And I stepped into Clay's shoes partway through the year when he struck off in search of a new adventure.
We put all that new talent to good use: in 2010 we built a ton of stuff. Here are some -- but by no means all -- of the the things we made this year:
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