The Supreme Court's Citizens United vs. FEC ruling undoes years of restrictions on the ability of corporations and labor unions to use their treasuries to attempt to sway elections.
But a more accurate interpretation might be that it allows them to be more up-front about it.
From the first days after President George W. Bush signed the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, better known as McCain-Feingold, huge sums of unregulated money have flowed from multi-billion dollar businesses, powerful labor unions and wealthy individuals with the intent of advancing their agendas and swaying political opinion, often in hidden or ...
OGD: Justice
OGD: IRS migration data doesn’t capture everyone
OGD: Housing and Urban Development
OGD: EPA visualizes the Chesapeake Bay’s problems
OGD: Homeland Security (but really just FEMA)
HHS releases Electronic Animal Drug Product Listing Directory
In 2007, Congress required the Food and Drug Administration to maintain an online database of drugs administered to animals, and get it online by June 2009. The Electronic Animal Drug Product Listing Directory does just that; this previously published data set (it's available on the FDA's site here) is one of the high value data sets released by the Department of Health and Human Services.
It's available in an Excel format; a lot of the more interesting information is not in the database; the last field contains links to detailed descriptions of the various drugs given to ...