If our government’s future is to be an open and accountable one, President Obama must spend the next two years recommitting to the pledge he made on his first day in office.
Continue readingHow dominant parties stay dominant in Uruguay
The 2014 elections in Uruguay may not seem particularly noteworthy. However, when investigating the forces shaping the political funding machine, the stagnation in itself is noteworthy.
Continue readingGovernment data should be public — not owned by contractors
Many federal agencies still have a nasty habit of giving up control of valuable data and vital technology to contractors instead of sharing it openly with the public that pays for it.
Continue readingOpenGov Voices: Why local governments should prepare for the DATA Act now
The DATA Act’s passage means big changes ahead for city and county governments.
Continue readingThe flip side of anonymity: legally-identified microdata
Exploring the varied terrain of legally-identified data helps show how different datasets, even closely related datasets, may have very different levels of protection.
Continue readingFCC proposes making political ads more transparent
The FCC just circulated an NPRM that promises to effect Sunlight's demands for more transparency in political ad spending.
Continue readingFederal open data audit: Defense downright dismal, Interior immense yet imperfect
As we audit the public data catalogs of federal agencies, we found a wide variety in quantity and quality of data. Here, we look at the departments of Defense and the Interior.
Continue readingWelcome to Docket Wrench, SEC and CFTC!
Support from Transparency International and a partnership with Thomson Reuters Foundation has enabled Sunlight to make data from the two important financial regulatory agencies available for analysis.
Continue readingSunlight’s review of federal open data catalogs (Hint: It’s not so great)
We at Sunlight are conducting a broad audit of agencies' sometimes-faithful attempts to comply with President Obama's open data executive order. Our findings so far are good, bad and perplexing.
Continue readingAnonymization and microdata: Can we open up granular info without invading privacy?
We’re taking a closer look at a number of important questions associated with use of microdata — the individual-level data we understand to offer both enormous potential benefit and potential risk.
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