Take an inside look at this former Soviet state's anti-corruption comeback and how it has affected political responsiveness and integrity in election financing.
Continue readingThe FCC’s opportunity to bring all political ad spending online
If the FCC decides to require cable, satellite and radio companies to put their files online, we may have an unprecedented view into political spending across all major media platforms.
Continue readingEvent: The Price We Pay for Money’s Influence on Politics
On September 16, the Sunlight Foundation and ReThink Media will host a special morning conversation with Senators Jon Tester and Angus King (invited) followed by a panel of money-in-politics experts.
Continue readingFreedom of information tools, it’s time for an open data inspired upgrade
Not only can open data and FOI disclosure efforts work symbiotically, they can also learn from each others’ shortcomings, and in many instances meet each other in the middle to create more robust disclosure.
Continue readingDeath by Law Enforcement: What the data tells us – and what it doesn’t
In Missouri, black people are killed by law enforcement twice as frequently as white people. Nationwide, the rate at which black people are killed by law enforcement is 3 times higher than that of white people, according to the CDC.
Continue readingWhat’s missing from NYC’s updated Open Data Plan?
The 2014 updated plan, with removed datasets, mysterious additions, and zero explanation for overdue datasets has left us with updated questions.
Continue readingSharing the knowledge: taking notes on open data from records managers and archivists
Here's why records managers, archivists and open data advocates should all be working together: we are all part of the new life-cycle of records.
Continue readingUnblight Unconference: housing advocates and civic hackers convene to tackle blight and property data
The Unblight Unconference galvanized policy makers, technologists and organizers from across the country to more deeply explore the challenges pertaining to vacant and blighted properties while exchanging ideas and developing solutions.
Continue readingToday in #OpenGov 8/21/2014
Keep reading for today's look at #OpenGov news, events, and analysis, including the plight of the billionaire in politics, marching against corruption in Brazil, and fighting depression with open data.
Continue readingNARA seeks public comment on metadata guidance
The National Archives and Records Administration is working on new guidance for agencies that are "transferring permanent electronic records" to them for archiving - paying specific attention to metadata.
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