Introducing congressional-record! This is a project that can parse the flat text of the Congressional Record from the Government Printing Office's HTML files and produce bulk XML data for the entirety of the digital record — no database required.
Continue readingThe Great Montgomery Hackathon
About 25 programmers, civic activists and students spent last weekend holed up in a Montgomery County community center, working on projects for the public good.
Continue readingGovernment should use more autocomplete fields
By taking just a few simple steps, individual government officials and vendors could make their data better.
Continue launches today – questions-and-answers with every elected official
What would you like to ask your members of Congress? What would you like to know from your U.S. senators? What questions would you like to hear your U.S. representative answer, in a public town hall?
Continue readingCodeAcross is here!
Sunlight Foundation together with Code for America are partnering to take data beyond transparency through CodeAcross 2014.
Continue readingHow 60,000 bills tried to become law – in one graph
While working on OpenCongress, one of the questions we've been tackling is how close a given bill is to actually passing into law. So we made a graph to help find out.
Continue readingHuman-centered design: How we’re rethinking OpenCongress
As part of our effort to revitalize OpenCongress, we've committed to putting the site through a rigorous human-centered design process — so it's more effective and easier to use for everyone.
Continue readingPDF Liberation Hackathon and the need for more civic innovation
Public Sector Credit Solutions and Sunlight Foundation organized a multi-location PDF Liberation hackathon which helped free some much needed data but also exposed the need for more civic innovation.
Continue readingWith filing deadline looming, use Real-Time FEC for easy, up-to-the-minute campaign finance analysis
On Friday all monthly and quarterly committees registered with the FEC have to turn in their financial reports. Sunlight's 'Real-Time FEC' lets you track the money going in and out. Here's a primer on how to use it.
Continue readingEncrypting our Congress API and protecting your location
If you're using our Congress API — **especially** if you use our endpoints that look up Congressional representation based upon zip code or latitude/longitude — we **strongly recommend** you use HTTPS. It's for your own protection, after all.
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