The Obama administration routinely touts its 91 percent disclosure rate for responses under the Freedom of Information Act. But is that figure revealing the whole truth?
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Announcing new research partnership and draft policy guidelines for municipal open contracting
We're announcing a new research project with OCP and a draft of new guidelines. We want your feedback!
Continue readingOpenGov Voices: Join us for the Great California Database Hunt
Join us on Aug. 27 to track down and index your government's open data.
Continue readingOpenGov Voices: 11 simple things to improve Senate accountability
While the Senate's new "We the People" legislation can potentially increase congressional accountability, here are 11 plans of action every lawmaker should get behind.
Continue readingOpenGov Voices: Creating congressional district maps with Mapbox
GovTrack's map of congressional districts to is now more responsive, more legible and easier to reproduce.
Continue readingOpenGov Voices: Join us for very first TransparencyCamp Europe!
While Europe has taken small steps to improve their opendata policies, TransparencyCamp Europe will push the need to collaborate, discuss and increase transparency even further.
Continue readingOpenGov Voices: We want to hear from you!
Want to see your open gov story featured on our OpenGov Voices Monday column? We want to hear from you!
Continue readingOpenGov Voices: Making political information truly accessible with Countable
Countable is a unique platform that is making political information truly understandable to all citizens.
Continue readingOpenGov Voices: 10 years of shining a light on money in politics with MapLight
MapLight's been tracking money's influence on politics for more than a decade, informing citizens so the government can be held accountable.
Continue readingOpenGov Voices: Crowdsourcing state and local transparency
While many local governments offer public records, disclosure is inconsistent and not standardized. California Common Sense encountered this problem — and devised an interesting solution.
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