Trump is the first major party candidate in roughly forty years to break away with the presidential candidate tradition of disclosing tax returns.
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What about Trump’s tax returns?
For four decades, it has been customary for presidential candidates to release his/her tax returns to the American people. While not required by law, it was a measure of transparency that we as a country seemed to agree was important following the Watergate scandal. Why is Donald Trump avoiding this common practice of transparency?
Continue readingSunlight’s work uncovering superdelegate lobbyists featured on ‘Full Frontal with Samantha Bee’

Sunlight has finally made it big on basic cable: Our investigative work tracking lobbyist superdelegates at the Democratic National Convention was featured on "Full Frontal with Samantha Bee!"
Continue readingPolitical TV Ad Archive gets a makeover to help track who is behind shadowy TV ads
With tens of millions of dollars funding a bombardment of political advertisements, the revamped Political TV Ad Archive houses them all.
Continue readingNRA’s influence comes from $14 million in spending — not just campaign contributions
The NRA is known for its wide-ranging campaign contributions — but its spending on ads is arguably even more powerful.
Continue readingMcCutcheon decision has allowed at least $39 million more in presidential election so far
Sunlight estimates that at least $39 million more has flowed into the presidential fundraising committees than would have if aggregate campaign finance limits still existed today.
Continue readingBernie Sanders’s new political group won’t have to disclose its donors
Our Revolution launched this week to support “candidates in lockstep with [Bernie] Sanders' ideals.” But as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit, the group would not be required to disclose its donors.
Continue readingForeign influence in America: A brief explainer on FARA
Given the renewed attention to foreign influence on this year’s presidential election, we put together a quick guide on FARA.
Continue readingInternet blind spot highlighted in Trump’s $8.4 million digital expenditure
Donald Trump's campaign spent $8.4 million dollars on digital work — but we don't really know what that entails.
Continue readingThe feuds and funders behind the pro-Donald Trump super PACs
Who's in the “motley crew” of Trump-supporting super PACs? We’ve broken down who they are, who's in charge, what they’ve raised — and the intense discord between them.
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