Donald Trump’s Twitter account is not like other politicians’ Twitter accounts. But everyone, even Trump, tweets something they regret — and then deletes it.
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Libertarians step into the big money spotlight
Libertarians are stepping up to the big time when it comes to fundraising from political action committees.
Continue readingHow political megadonors can give almost $500,000 with a single check
Joint fundraising committees are sprouting up in American politics, allowing wealthy donors to contribute hundreds of thousands of dollars with a single check. Here's how they work.
Continue readingWhat a State Department’s inspector general can tell us about open government
The release of a critical report by the State Department’s inspector general on Hillary Clinton’s email practices answers questions that have lingered since last March — and raises new ones.
Continue readingSenate bill would require presidential nominees to release tax returns
A bill introduced in the Senate today would require presidential nominees to release 3 years of tax returns.
Continue readingPoll: Public supports disclosure of tax returns for presidential candidates
Graphic by Sunlight Foundation A New York Times/CBS News national poll released yesterday found that nearly 6 in 10 registered... View Article
Continue readingWas GOP primary spending against Trump really that ‘yuge’?
The Trump campaign has decried the “millions” spent against it. But is that really a lot of money in today's post-Citizens United world?
Continue readingDonald Trump does a 180 on self-funding his campaign
Donald Trump made his independence from outside forces the crux of his campaign. Now he says he will take big money from big donors leading up to the election.
Continue readingCongress should mandate tax return disclosure for presidential candidates
Presidential candidates and sitting presidents should be required by law to publicly disclose their tax returns.
Continue readingStating the obvious: Why it helps to look at state law if you’re running for president
If you want to run for president and you don’t get the official Democratic or Republican nod, you’d better start to get to know the funky and fantastic world of state law.
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