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2Day in #OpenGov 1/26/2012


Here is Thursday's look at transparency-related news items, congressional committee hearings, transparency-related bills introduced in Congress, and transparency-related events. News Roundup:

  • Two years after a massive earthquake devastated Haiti, the country is still dealing with the ramifications of rampant corruption on the rebuilding process. Transparency International is working to fight this corruption. (Transparency International)
  • A former Irish Senator, who became a poster boy for outrageous expense claims throughout the Irish political system, was arrested for allegedly forging receipts from a company that hasn't existed for almost 20 years. (AP/Yahoo)
Presidential Candidates
  • New Gingrich and Mitt Romney successfully maneuvered each other into disclosing potentially embarrassing documents. This doesn't necessarily mean that either candidate is committed to transparency in their campaigns or the government. (Fox News)
  • Tensions between Hollywood and opponents of SOPA and PIPA in Washington don't seem to have hurt President Obama's ability to raise money from Tinseltown. The Obama Victory Fund is hosting several fundraisers to benefit the President's reelection campaign and the Democratic party in the coming weeks. (The Hill)
  • House Democrats are expected to introduce an updated version of the DISCLOSE Act in coming days. The bill will include notable exceptions, originally aimed at placating the NRA, from its original iteration. (Huffington Post)
  • Private interests spent freely in 2011 to send members of Congress and their staff on trips. 1,600 privately funded congressional trips were worth more than $5.8 million last year. (Legistorm)
  • San Francisco is emerging as a leader in using city data to encourage programmers, activists, and companies to create solutions to make city governments more efficient and effective. (Tech President)
  • Longstanding rules on the House press gallery are changing. Journalists are allowed to use laptop computers and smart phones on a trial basis. (Gov Fresh)

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2Day in #OpenGov 1/25/2012


Here is Wednesday's look at transparency-related news items, congressional committee hearings, transparency-related bills introduced in Congress, and transparency-related events. News Roundup:

Government Lobbying
  • A former Lawyer for Newt Gingrich, who advised the politician on how to engage in advocacy without becoming a "lobbyist", is now the director of government affairs at the American Bar Association, which is trying to expand lobbying disclosure rules. (Roll Call $)
  • The Justice department is losing two lawyers through the revolving door. Justin Shur, former deputy chief of the Public Integrity Section of the Criminal Division, joined MoloLamken as a partner. Meanwhile, Warren Rosborough, a former trial attorney with the Antitrust Division is joining McDermott Will & Emery as a partner. (The Hill)
  • Watchdog group Public Campaign praised President Obama's proposal to ban lobbyists from bundling campaign donations, but noted that it does not go far enough. (National Journal)
Campaign Finance
  • President Obama has voluntarily released the names of all his campaign bundlers, while Republican presidential candidates have disclosed only their bundlers who are also registered lobbyists. The information makes for a vivid visualization. (Open Secrets/Center for Responsive Politics)
  • Petitions with over 100,000 signatures were submitted to the White House calling for the President to require that federal contractors disclose their political contributions. (Lobby Comply)

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2Day in #OpenGov 1/24/2012


Here is Tuesday's take on transparency-related news items, congressional committee hearings, transparency-related bills introduced in Congress, and transparency-related events. News Roundup:

  • The collapse of SOPA and PIPA, after protest from the tech industry and general public last week, has opened the door for alternative legislation being proposed by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA). (The Hill)
  • The White house announced a major addition to its efforts. will target developers, teachers, and students. (Tech President)
  • Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) reported "questionable contact" by Harbinger Capital, a hedgefund invested heavily in controversial wireless start-up LightSquared, to the Senate Ethics Committee. Grassley viewed certain contact by the company as an attempt to discuss a quid pro quo. (The Hill)
Revolving Door
  • Strategic communications firm SKDKnickerbocker is bringing on some new employees direct from government service. Rachel Racusen was director of public affairs at FEMA while Noralisa Leo was an external affairs officer and deputy director at the Smithsonian. (National Journal)
  • The Governor of New Mexico, Susana Martinez (R-NM), is endorsing legislative efforts to institute a two-year ban on lobbying for ex-lawmakers. (Lobby Comply)
  • Google spent $3.76 million on lobbying in the fourth quarter of 2011 as it fought over online piracy laws and other major issues. The company easily outpaced its third quarter spending of $2.38 million. Throughout 2011 Google spent almost $10 million on lobbying, nearly twice the amount they spent in 2010. (AP/Yahoo)
  • The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is organizing an online lobbying blitz centered around tonight's State of the Union address. The organization is urging its members and supporters to tweet the White House and Congress to "#getserious about #jobs". (Roll Call $)
  • Lobbyists representing Egypt in Washington rapidly mobilized to provide the country with political cover after security forces raided 17 foreign-based NGO's at the end of 2011. The raids were condemned at high levels of the U.S. government. (Politico)

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