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2Day in #OpenGov 11/1/2011


Welcome in November with a look at the day's transparency-related news items, congressional committee hearings, transparency-related bills introduced in Congress, and transparency-related events. News Roundup: Government

  • Legislators are going to have to avoid some strong blocking from lobbyists if they want to tackle tax reform. Most corporate groups say they support tax reform, but every tax break has a supporter prepared to fight to keep it in place. (The Hill)
  • OMB Scorecards related to agency implementation of sustainability policies are not an effective transparency tool or means of informing the public, according to a new paper published by an American University professor in conjunction with the IBM Center for the Business of Government. (Fierce Government)
Campaign Finance
  • Herman Cain has asked a lawyer to investigate reports that he might have used a tax-exempt charity to help his presidential campaign get started. The charity was started by Cain's chief and deputy chief of staff. (Yahoo/AP)
  • A former aid to Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) has launched the YG Action Fund PAC. The PAC will promote the "center-right" ideals of the Young Guns movement that Cantor helped launch. (Roll Call $)
  • A pro-Rick Perry super PAC has its first ads up in South Carolina and Iowa. They are spending nearly $400,000 on their first salvo. (Politico)
State and Local
  • Many state and local governments have deferred or denied transparency measures because they are struggling to cover the costs. (Government Technology)
  • Ten months after Alabama passed sweeping ethics reform, lobbyists and legislators are dealing with some significant changes in the way they do business. (Lobby Comply)

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2Day in #OpenGov 10/31/2011


Happy Halloween! Here is Monday's look at transparency-related news items, congressional committee hearings, transparency-related bills introduced in Congress, and transparency-related events. News Roundup: Government

  • The Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency held its 14th annual awards ceremony last week, honoring a broad range of watchdogs. (Federal Times)
  • A new report outlines factors agencies should consider when developing mobile websites and apps, finding that agencies frequently put too much focus on getting apps online at the expense of ensuring that users have a successful experience using them. (GovTech)
  • The Obama Administration is seeking an independent audit of the Energy Department loans made to the failed company Solyndra, while the Republican-led House Energy Committee has threatened to subpoena related White House records. (iWatch News)
  • The Justice Department has stepped up enforcement of the Foreign Agents Registration Act. (The Hill)
  • Obama's strict "no lobbyists" promises have turned him into a hypocrite. (National Journal)
  • Senator Rob Portman's (R-Ohio) current chief of staff has gone back and forth through the revolving door several times. Most recently, he was making $440,000 as a lobbyist at Squire Sanders and Dempsey and had previously served as Portman's chief of staff in the House of Representatives. (Legistorm)
Campaign Finance
  • iWatch News investigated the tricky line that 501(c)(4) organizations have to walk between issue spending and political spending.
  • Civic Commons Managing Director Nick Grossman presents on "The Opportunity for Civic Startups." (GovFresh)
State and Local
  • State Rep. Terry Spicer is the fourth Alabama state representative to plead guilty to bribery as part of a federal investigation of gambling corruption at the statehouse. (The Republic)
  • A county judge has rejected an Arizona measure intended to ban the spending of public funds for certain candidates. The judge claimed that it was unconstitutional, as it focused on more than one subject. (AZ Central)
  • Montana's commissioner of political practices has plans to regulate a fast-growing component of campaigns: social media. (Missoulian)
  • Nevada's Commission on Ethics is struggling to handle a heavy case load with too few resources. (Las Vegas Sun)

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2Day in #OpenGov 10/28/2011


You made it to Friday! Celebrate with the week's last look at transparency-related news items, congressional committee hearings, transparency-related bills introduced in Congress, and transparency-related events. News Roundup: Campaign Finance

  • A new study on corporate political disclosure and accountability ranks S&P 100 companies on the way they disclose and manage their political spending. Lowest on the list are Disney, Amazon, and Berkshire Hathaway. IBM and Merck ranked near the top. (Politico)
  • Registered lobbyists have been donating to Republican presidential candidates, but not in large enough amounts to represent a significant percentage of any candidate's take. (National Journal)
  • The dwindling House Blue Dog caucus, full of moderate Democrats, is gearing up for a tough election cycle. They have jumped head first into fundraising, outpacing more liberal Democrats as well as their own hauls from 2010. (Politico)
  • Super PACs are siphoning money, talent, and purpose from the national party committees. The committees have long dominated the American election process, but are seeing their influence wane in the post Citizens United world. (Politico)
  • President Obama has spoken in opposition to the Citizens United decision, but he takes full advantage of its provisions when fundraising. In an interview with Politico Martin Frost, a former Democratic Congressman,  stated that he doesn't see this as hypocritical. (Politico)
Revolving Door
  • Senator John Kyl (R-AZ) often takes advantage of the revolving door when looking for top staff, according to Legistorm. The site is conducting a three week series on the revolving door ties of Super Committee members. (Legistorm)

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