Burns Ad Assails Democrats:


Sen. Conrad Burns (R-MT), under fire from Montana Democrats for taking $155,000 from Jack Abramoff and his clients, released a new television ad attacking Democrats for impugning his character. The ad calls Democratic attacks “the worst kind of politics” and “a bunch of you-know-what”. Burns, speaking in the ad, also states that the Democratic ads are paid for by Jack Abramoff’s tribal clients. The Montana Democratic Party did receive $5,000 from one tribe represented by Jack Abramoff, but only after the Party sent out an appeal to tribes to help fund a get-out-the-vote effort among Indian tribes – something the staunch Republican Abramoff would certainly not direct money towards. The Missoulian notes that Burns’ assertion of the source of money for the Democrats’ attack ads is equally true about this very ad by Burns, considering that he received over 30 times the amount that the Montana Democrats did.