Defense Department Opened Investigation into Contractor in 2000:


The Department of Defense opened a criminal investigation into the activities of defense contractor Brent Wilkes, now under federal investigation for his role in bribing jailed ex-Rep. Duke Cunningham, back in 2000 that began with an anonymous tip, according to Roll Call. In the Defense Criminal Investigation Service report a Defense Department official, “Official D,” details “an attempt by Cunningham to pressure him into allowing payment of $750,000 for five allegedly fraudulent invoices submitted to the Pentagon in 1998 and 1999.” Justice Department documents show that the invoices came from Wilkes and his company, ADCS. The DCIS made a criminal referral to the Justice Department that was not taken up by the U.S. Attorney in San Diego. Wilkes paid Cunningham his first bribe the month before “Official D” was interviewed.