In Blog Daylight: Tom DeLay’s Resignation:


There is only one story in the blogs today and that is Tom DeLay resignation (effective sometime in May):

SNOW: Okay, so at this point, you know — are you willing to let bygones be bygones?


DELAY: Absolutely not. Texas should not allow a district attorney from Travis County have this kind of power. And they can take his power away from him because there was the Texas legislature that gave him this power. And I think that will happen in the next session of the Texas legislature.

The Democrats hate the fact that their culture of K Street has been changed from a totally dominated Democrat K Street [lobbying community] to a totally dominated Republican K Street. Nothing illegal about that at all. And we built that. When we took over in 1995, the K Street contributions to elections was 70/30—70 percent Democrat, 30 percent Republican. Today it’s 60/40—60 percent Republican and 40 percent Republican. That’s a change in culture. Democrats and the left hate that, and they have worked very hard to destroy it.

  • TPM Muckraker is all things DeLay today. Seriously, try and find a post that’s not about him. One story in particular stands out. It appears that Rep. Ken Calvert (R-CA) is replacing DeLay on the Appropriations Committee. The seat that DeLay held had recently been vacated by Duke Cunningham, who is now in prison serving an 8 year plus sentence for accepting bribes. Calvert "accompanied former Rep. (and current convicted felon) Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R-CA) to Saudi Arabia. Convicted felon Thomas Kontogiannis, a pal of Cunningham’s, joined the two."
  • Digby takes a guess at DeLay’s next act (if it doesn’t involve orange suits and bars). His guess is that DeLay would go and work for Rick Scarborough, the Christian Right activist and author of the forthcoming book Liberalism Kills Kids.

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