Progress Back at the Ranch


While I’ve been here in New Mexico on vacation for the ten days (think hiking at Bandelier National Monument, off-roading in the Sangre de Cristo mountains, playing Ansel Adams at White Sands National Monument, visiting Georgia O"Keeefe’s home and studio in Abiquiu, two nights at the Rodeo in Santa Fe, etc. — our recent grantees over at Room Eight have been busy moving forward to expand their blog’s reporting of their NY Congressional delegation.

The have launched their "Megabux" series, presenting the numbers behind the 11th Congressional District race — where, they report, David Yassky has won their "Megabuxster" award.  For "kicks" they told us, they also threw in a graphical piece showing where Brooklynites are voting with their wallets, by zipcode, in the 11th CD. Check it out here.n UPDATE: See their latest on Rep. Gary Ackerman. FURTHER UPDATE. Ackerman story hits Newsday.

Meanwhile. my colleagues back at the ranch, oops, I mean the office, are cooking up a number of new items that will be ready after July 4. More then about some of the first products from Sunlight Labs, an interactive "tool kit" for citizens, and an even more aggressive push to enlist more citizen muckrackers.

I’ve another week away here in the Southwest, so posting will be light.

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