A Further Communication from House Speaker Dennis Hastert’s Attorney
I received the following email from Mr. J. Randall Evans, the attorney for House Speaker Dennis Hastert, on June 24. (The previous correspondence is, in chronological order, at the end of this post, then here and here. Sorry I didn’t get around to posting it back then–I was busy getting ready to get out of town, and at the time didn’t have and still don’t have much of a response to it, other than to say that we continue to stand by our story:
Dear Mr. Allison:
Rather than litigate this matter in emails, there is an appropriate place to do it. Please note that this was not a limited liability partnership. The type and amount of property was disclosed. The city and state was disclosed. Indeed, the percentage ownership was disclosed. This was not a personal property holding. Instead, it was a real property holding which was disclosed.
In sum, Speaker Hastert disclosed his ownership interest, including the type, amount, location, and even percentage. The descriptions were sufficient to permit your entity, as well as any other entity, to locate the legal documentation on record.
“Hiding” is thus a term disproven by the readily available information and documents which you have posted. You know it is inaccurate, false and misleading. Yet, you have confirmed that as of June 22, 2006, you stand by it. We will see if you can defend it.
Randy Evans