Make Your Earmark Requests Now


Both Ed Frank and Mark Tapscott are highlighting an email circulating around the Senate, from the Republican side of the Appropriations Committee:

The Labor-HHS deadline for all requests will be April 13, 2007.

This deadline includes any programmatic funding, project funding, bill or report language requests that your Senators would like to submit for the FY2008 LHHS bill.

Please submit all requests by e-mail and deliver a hard copy to SD-156.

Please e mail your requests to

As we develop specific instructions on format — I will forward that information to you.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Bettilou Taylor

Minority Staff Director

Subcommittee on Labor-HHS and Education

I really like this suggestion that Tapscott makes: “Perhaps taxpayers should forward their own funding requests to Taylor. If you do, CC me. I’ll publish the ‘most worthy’ ones here. Maybe we will even have a public vote on them to see which ones ought to be funded and which should be directed to File 13.”