Rep. Issa Provides a List of Earmarks


Add Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., to the list of members who publish lists of earmarks (Issa’s for 2006 is here). His chief of staff, Dale Neugebauer, emailed this a little while ago:

In your rating of Rep. Issa’s web site you noted that our site did not include a list of earmark requests.

Rep. Issa did publicly release the list of 2006 earmark requests and posted the press release on that section of our website.

Here’s the link…

We will be publicly releasing our 2007 requests as well.

Thanks for your attention to this request and for encouraging everyone to build better Web sites.

I’ve updated Issa’s score–he moves up to a 48; he was already among the members of Congress to have a passing score.