News You Can Trust


One of Sunlight’s early goals was try to figure out how to improve the quality of reporting about what goes on in Congress, and so we are very pleased to announce a new grant to — an organization that has developed an online news rating service to help people identify quality journalism — or "news you can trust." Their members rate the news online, based on journalistic quality, not just popularity.

Their (still beta) Web site and news feed feature the best and the worst news of the day, picked from hundreds of alternative and mainstream news sources. Sunlight’s grant will provide an opportunity for a specific look at the U.S. Congress. Specifically, through the coming year, will search for quality journalism about our elected representatives, with a focus on accountability, corruption and transparency in Congress.

We hope you’ll jump right in. Sign up to contribute stories, get involved in evaluating them.

Read a good story on the U.S. Congress lately? Please submit it here, so others may learn from your research.