

Sunlight grantee helps citizens make informed decisions about our democracy by making it easier to find good journalism online. Each day the non-profit, non-partisan group features a selection of articles and opinion pieces that its members rate for fairness, accuracy, context and sourcing. NewsTrust has just launched a new version of its site that promises “a better user experience with enhanced review tools, more visual appeal and higher performance.” And in true Web 2.0 fashion, the redesign was partially guided by suggestions from its members.

As their site states, “it now offers a number of innovative features, such as distinctive  ‘trust-o-meter’ ratings, separate listings for news and opinion, new review forms for beginners and professionals, new rating criteria tracking both quality and popularity, faster story submissions, personal bookmarks and special comment sections.”

And I want to congratulate Fabrice Florin, NewsTrust’s founder and executive editor. Ashoka recently named him as one of their social entrepreneur fellows. Way to go!