Government Gadget Gallery

by has posted a gallery of online gadgets (or widgets) that other Web sites can display.

Here’s an abbreviated list:

Defense and International Gadgets, where you can find a widget to thank American service members.

Energy, Environment, and Agriculture Gadgets, which has widgets on environmental tips, an Earth Day countdown clock and other green suggestions.

Family, Home, and Community Gadgets, which has a U.S. Postal Service track and confirm widget.

Health Gadgets, where you can find widgets dealing with drug safety, drug recalls, drug search, medical products and emergency text messages.

Public Safety and Law Gadgets, which has widgets on the FBI’s most wanted fugitives, FBI news and history, predators and missing persons.

Reference and General Government Gadgets, where they provide a breaking government news widget, the GovGab blog and a Spanish language widget.

These are more encouraging signs that the federal government is catching on.