Show Us the Spending


We are proud to announce that the Sunlight Foundation is now part of the “Show Me the Spending Coalition.”  The coalition is primarily sponsored by National Taxpayers Union and the Sam Adams Alliance but has a member roster of more than 30 other organizations. Ellen and I have written about their work in the past.

Since our support of OMB Watch’s, Taxpayers for Common Sense‘s earmarks work and advocacy for we have come to see that spending databases are one of the best transparency measures government can take. It is common sense to tell taxpayers where their money is going.

Show Me the Spending is asking all states to take transparency seriously and the first and easiest thing they can do is to tell people what they are spending money on.   Check out the coalitions work and also the Sunshine Review’s wiki and start exploring ways to bring transparency to your state and town.

Real transparency has to be achieved at every level of government so elected officials know that there is no where to hide from the Sunlight.  Let’s get to work.