Is There a Local Hackathon in Your Area?


Just two weeks after announcing the Great American Hackathon, there are a dozen events planned across the country. The great creator Josh Tauberer is organizing one in Philly. The big-data folks at Cloudera are hosting an event. ThoughtBot is holding one in Boston, as is Steven Clift in Minnesota. And there’s a handful across the country too– in towns like DC, Atlanta, and New York. Today, Mozilla announced that they were getting in on the fun.

This is a great opportunity not just to make a difference but to meet new friends. So if you’re near one– create an account and RSVP to an event. Plan on making a difference with your skills that weekend.

And if you’re not– now’s your chance too! Start organizing and creating community in your neighborhood. Get developers together. Find them in your area. Reach out and start building a community to open up our government. Check out our organizing guide and start your own.

See you in person or virtually on December 12-13th!