Oil Spill: Wildlife data shows several species may be affected


As the millions of gallons of oil continues to spill into the Gulf of Mexico, the Department of Interior’s Fish and Wildlife Services has started an uphill battle with their rescue efforts. The agency has deployed a 200-person workforce in the area who are reviewing the natural habitats affected by the oil spill.

For environmentalists and reporters covering the vast and prolonged damage the oil spill can cause, here’s a list of wildlife refuges that can be affected released by the Fisheries and Wildlife Services.

And, to check on various species of endangered wildlife that could be affected in the three states, another FWS dataset has a list of what animals or fish can can be affected by the oil spill. For instance, the Delta National Wildlife refuge in Louisiana is the natural habitat of the brown pelican which is on the endangered species list.

The FWS and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have also put together a detailed response plan online. This includes maps of the affected areas showing the trajectory path of the oil spill and links to other federal agencies involved in the aftermath of what is being described as the worst oil spill in the country. NOAA is also keeping records of the counts of sea animals in the area and tracking them periodically.