Mapping outside spending



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If the 2012 election will be about anything, it'll be about outside money flooding the system. That's why we have updated our popular super PAC tracker.

Using the data from that tool, we've created a  continuously updated map. As it shows, early voting states in the GOP presidential contest — Iowa, South Carolina, Florida and Michigan — already seen an influx of cash. But, the map also shows the heavy impact of outside spending in states that are home to marquee House and Senate contests, such as last year's heated special election in New York's 26th Congressional District, and the this year's competitive race for the seat being vacated by retiring Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas.

MORE: What you need to know about super PACs.

Click on a state for details on how much outside money has already been spent on presidential, House and Senate contests. The states are color-coded so that those with more total outside spending this cycle are darker green.