Advise the FEC: Can you find the candidate?


The American Future Fund (AFF) is asking the FEC what kind of ads they can make without triggering donor-reporting requirements. So they are making a formal request to help clarify what the phrase, "clearly defined candidate" means.

The lawyers for AFF ask the following questions to the FEC. The proposed advertisements are sampled from the advisory request. (These are just a few of the ads; look here for the full request.)

Do you think that the examples in the following advertisements are identifying candidate and should trigger reporting requirements?

Advertisement 1

Advertisement 7

Advertisement 8

The American Future Fund is a social welfare organization, also known by its tax status as a 501c4 group. These types of groups do not have to disclose their donors with the IRS. Groups have to file electioneering reports if their ads meet electioneering requirements