2Day in #OpenGov 10/17/2012




  • Electronic access to lab test results: A regulation proposed by HHS in 2011 would expand patient access to electronic versions of their lab test results, which was excluded from a 2009 modernizing patient access to electronic medical records. A number of groups have signed a letter in support of the rule. (O’Reilly Radar)
  • Finding abuse in mountains of data: According to panelists at a FedInsider Leadership Forum, The IRS and SEC are beggining to embrace new data mining tools to detect evidence of fraud and abuse in large amounts of data. (Government Executive)
The Campaign Trail
  • Unions unite for unlimited spending: Unions have started taking advantage of the Citizens United ruling and other court decisions that deregulated campaign finance rules. Unions still lag far behind the largest super PAC and corporate spenders in terms of total outlays. (Politico)
  • Lobbyists sing Romney’s praises, to the tune of $14 million: More than 5 dozen lobbyist bundlers have pulled in at least $14 million for Mitt Romney’s election campaign according to campaign finance reports released this week. (Public Integrity)
State and local
  • DC Council sued for access to work email on private accounts: The Washington, DC Council is being sued by a local open government group for refusing to disclose work related emails that have been sent or received by member’s personal accounts. The group bringing the suit notes that several members are known to engage in this practice, and several states have policies that make this type of record FOIAable. (Washington Post)
  • Opinion- California courts threaten accountability: Two trial courts in California have punished citizens trying to access their right to government information. In both cases, after the courts ruled in favor of towns that chose to litigate against citizens making FOIA requests, the individuals requesting the records were held liable for legal fees and costs incurred by the government. (NFOIC)


  • None


  • None.


  • None. 

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