2Day in #OpenGov 10/31/2012



Campaign season

  • Election lawyers poised to pounce:  Lawyers across the country are ready to challenge the election results based on questions that could arise from machine errors, voter suppression, or other illegal activity. Hurricane Sandy has also created concerns that there could be challenges for people trying to make it to the polls next week, which could spawn litigation. (Washington Post)
  • Outside groups outspend candidates in 26 House races: Outside groups have spent more than candidates in 26 House races this election cycle, according to an analysis. In Illinois’ 17th Congressional District, outside groups have spent some $2.7 million more than the candidates. (Public Integrity)


  • Group pushes for free wireless: Ten groups have formed a coalition to advocate for free, open Wi-Fi networks. The coalition, called the Open Wireless Movement, is sharing tips with homes, businesses, developers and Internet service providers about how to set up open Wi-Fi networks. (The Hill)
  • Election 2012 apps: There is no shortage of apps for the 2012 election. GovTech highlighted a few. (GovTech)
  • Balance the budget: A recently launched website lets users try their hand at balancing the national budget. The website was created by Budget Control, a group that describes itself as non-partisan. (National Journal)


  • Declaration on Parliamentary Openness receives positive response: A presentation of the Declaration on Parliamentary Openness at the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)  last week received positive responses. Discussions about the Declaration are ongoing. (Opening Parliament)
  • Italy nears anti-corruption vote: Italy’s Chamber of Deputies is set to vote on an anti-corruption law that has already passed the Senate. The law, which would create an anti-corruption authority among other things, comes after a series of corruption scandals in the country. (TI)


  • None



  • None. 

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