2Day in #OpenGov 1/30/2013



  • While Uruguay became a regional leader with their 2008 FOI law citizens were not taking advantage of the new rights. www.quesabes.org makes it easier for citizens to make FOI requests. (Tech President)
  • New York Mayor, and billionaire, Michael Bloomberg has beefed up his presence in Washington over the past two years, increasingly engaging on issues from guns to infrastructure. He has used a combination of New York’s lobbying office, his own voice, and outside lobbying groups hired by organizations that he has helped create. (Politico)
  • Rep. Ed Markey, who is running to fill the Massachusetts Senate seat left vacant by John Kerry’s appointment to lead the State department, is taking a page from the playbook of fellow Bay State politician, and potential rival, Scott brown by pledging to try and keep outside money out of the race. (Politico)
  • Chicago is expanding their 311 system in an attempt to reach wider audiences. As a component of the cities Open311 system users can now access features via text message. (Government Technology)
  • The US Government requested more user information from Twitter in 2012 than in 2011, the first year the company tracked such requests. Twitter claims it requires a search warrant before granting access. (The Hill)
  • Opinion: Imposing a tax on moves through the revolving door might dissuade the practice. (USA Today)
  • None. 


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