2Day in #OpenGov 2/5/2013



  • The Federal Communications Commission is looking to streamline the process inventors go through when testing their products on the airwaves. (Politico)
  • The Office of Management and Budget is proposing consolidating federal guidance on grants and financial assistance payments. The move is aimed at reducing paperwork and fraud. (GovExec)
  • President Obama is not the first person in his line of work to create a lobbying group that seeks to influence national policy. Former Presidents Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton have gone down – or at least tried to travel – similar paths. (Politico)
  • 2014 is on the minds of some of the biggest Republican Party donors, who are funding a group to protect incumbents and find new candidates for the upcoming U.S. Senate races. (New York Times)
  • Changes to the U.S. Senate lobbying database over the weekend appear to have broken outside links to the documents, impacting watchdog groups like OpenSecrets.org. A staffer said the changes were made so documents would be available in HTML instead of PDF. (Public Integrity)
  • Legislators in Missouri are looking to pass a bill that would require more advance notice of public meetings and increase the likelihood of facing penalties for violating the state’s open meetings and records law. (News Tribune)
  • Legislative aides in Virginia will receive the same privacy protections under the state’s Freedom of Information Act as legislators under a new bill. (Watchdog.org)


  • None. 


  • None. 

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