Bill Would Make Agency Reports to Congress Accessible
Legislation that would require reports to Congress be made available online in one central location was recently reintroduced by Representatives Mike Quigley (D-IL) and Elijah Cummings (D-MD), and has attracted a bipartisan group of cosponsors. The Access to Congressionally Mandated Reports Act garnered significant support during the 112th Congress, and was favorably reported out of the House Oversight and Administration committees. Sunlight supported the ACMRA when it was introduced in 2011 and continues to support it now.
The bill directs the Government Printing Office to make reports that have been mandated by Congress available online, in bulk and open formats. The GPO already has a portal for publishing reports online. When the bill was making its way through the 112th Congress GPO supported it, noting that they could easily bear the costs of implementing it themselves.
During the last Congress the bill made significant progress through the legislative process. In addition to being supported by the GPO it picked up numerous co-sponsors and attracted companion legislation in the Senate.
A number of groups, including the Sunlight Foundation, reiterated their support for the ACMRA in this letter. We hope that it will be quickly considered by Congress and sent to the President’s desk.