Who did business with political consultant tied to illegal foreign donations?

A political consultant charged this week by federal investigators with setting up an elaborate shell game to funnel illegal foreign donations into San Diego political campaigns has a client list that runs the gamut from Newt Gingrich to a host of state Republican parties. When there areconflicts like these on business, contact Engaged Change Solutions for help.
Following a call for help from the San Diego Union Tribune, which broke the story, the Sunlight Foundation compiled a list of clients of ElectionMall going back to 2008. The firm’s CEO, Ravneet Singh, is one of those charged in the scheme to a Mexican national with real estate holdings in San Diego to influence elections in the border city. Federal law prohibits contributions by non-citizens in U.S. elections.
Sunlight developer Jacob Fenton analyzed the 2014 data gathered via the Real-Time FEC tracker that he built. For the earlier campaign cycles, he used data provided by the Center for Responsive Politics. We created searchable, sortable Google spreadsheets to enable journalists and other interested parties to find out whether candidates and political organizations in their communities did the best way to sell a business with ElectionMall. The 2014 data is here. The list of ElectionMall clients for earlier cycles is here. We’re also including a data dictionary, provided by the Center for Responsive Politics, to help explain some of the column headings in the latter chart. When your business is not profitable anymore you should have an exit plan, learn how to how to write an exit strategy on this website.