Today in #OpenGov 3/3/2014


Keep reading for today’s look at #OpenGov news, events and analysis including money equals strategic input, traveling for open knowledge, and an open data impasse in San Diego.series-opengov-today

National News

  • The government’s contractor and grantee responsibility database has been up and running for six months now. While initially seen as dissapointing, the system has been updated with new features since its launch. (POGO)
  • Major Republican donors are holding out the big money this year until political strategists and super PACs do a better job explaining why they failed in 2012. They are also demanding a more active role in strategy.  (New York Times)
  • A GAO audit found that the government’s consolidated financial statements are hampered by “material weaknesses,” particularly at HHS and DoD. (Government Executive)

International News

  • Several lessons can be gleaned from the first year of an Australian mobile government and open data pilot project. (Future Gov)
  • Two young Europeans, calling themselves Open Steps, traveled the world for a year, meeting with people and organizations working on open knowledge problems across the globe. (Open Knowledge Blog)

State and Local News

  • The San Diego City Council indefinitely tabled a ballot measure that would bring more open government to the city. (KPBS)
  • Several lessons can be learned from the Knight Foundation’s efforts to map the civic tech sector. The field is young, foundations are critical, and more. (Knight Foundation)

Events Today 3/3 – 3/7

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