The Week on Politwoops: A regal Rep., Christmas is for kids and an error from a dog, staffer

This week’s roundup of deletions archived by Politwoops include a purple bedecked congresswoman, retaking a holiday from unknown detractors and a refreshing explanation on a bizarre deletion.
We start with the image to the right of Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson, D-Texas, that was shared from her official House Twitter account with the message, “Regality at its finest..straight from District 30.” The oddly self-aggrandizing tweet was deleted after 21 hours and it’s unclear if this tweet was a staffer logged into the wrong account, or if it originated from Johnson herself. Her official account frequently waffles between speaking in the first and third person, and she has ignored multiple requests for comment, though perhaps that’s just another sign of regality.
Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton, D-D.C., deleted a tweet saying, “Children at my annual Christmas Party in the Capitol for low-income kids. Who says Christmas is not for children!” and included a photo of children with their hands in the air. The tweet was deleted after an hour, but not before drawing responses to the question of who claims Christmas is not for children. Daily Caller reporter, Alexander Griswold, asked, “But, actually. Who says that?” Politico’s Hadas Gold responded to Norton, “no one?” while her colleague Dylan Byers clarified “true, literally no one says that.”
Over the weekend, the official account for Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, deleted a tweet after just 15 seconds saying, “Lady passes toy drive, explains to dog, “That’s not for you. That’s not for dogs.” Dog clearly regrets the error and moves along.” Another deleted tweet quickly followed to clarify the errant tweet, saying, “Staffer (@JPFreire) tweet deleted. Apologies for the distraction!” While it’s unfortunate the dog and staffer made an error, the quick and honest explanation meant there was no negative press or confused followers. Everyone makes mistakes! It’s ok! This Politwoops watcher is amazed more folks don’t handle mistakes like this.
On the flip side, a good way not to handle deleted tweets is to block the person that inquires about them, as both Maryland Governor-elect Larry Hogan and Rep. Ann Wagner, R-Mo., did to me this week. Not to worry though, the Politwoops system is still safely archiving their deletions only now they don’t see my pesky question of “why?”
Other unexplained deletions this week include Gov. John Kasich, R-Ohio, who deleted a tweet after five hours about signing an executive order, “creating the task force on community-police relations” and Rep. Susan W. Brooks, R-Ind., who deleted a tweet about her “visit with the Statewide Innovation Council.” Nothing relating to these events ever reappeared on their Twitter feeds, and they did not respond to my requests for comment.
Enjoy the weekend and good luck on any holiday travels early next week. Please help Politwoops out if you have a spare moment in your flannels or if you’re stuck at the airport to let me know if we’re missing any accounts or following the wrong one. Thank you!