Announcing new blog series and homepage from Sunlight

Recently, I informed you how we’re making it easier to access Sunlight’s data and work as part of our efforts to streamline and simplify Sunlight’s focus, maximizing the impact of our work. Today, I’m pleased to unveil a new approach to our homepage and blog.
Attentive visitors to our flagship website,, may have noticed we recently refined our homepage to highlight our freshest blog content and to give you an at-a-glance view of our mission and work. That’s just part of our new initiative to provide timely insights and data about the work we do as it relates to current events. As you may have noticed, we’ve also been quietly teasing out new regular blog series that covers the various components of our work.
Today, I’m proud to officially announce our new series of recurring blog posts. Each day, we’ll focus on a different aspect of Sunlight’s approach to making our government and politics more open and accountable.
Every Monday, our “OpenGov Voices” series will feature the voice and perspective of a different leader in this space, including activists, journalists, technologists and government officials. Sunlight is proud to be a part of a thriving and growing community of organizations and networks working to achieve more transparency and accountability in our government and our politics, and so we’re excited to share this space with our friends and colleagues.
On Tuesdays, Sunlight Labs, our in-house team of web developers and designers, will take the reins for our “Tech Tuesday” series, where they will share their latest insights on how Sunlight uses technology to transform government, cutting-edge trends in open data, helpful bug fixes for other developers and more. Sunlight is at the cutting edge of civic tech and open data, and I think you’ll all be amazed at what you read in this space.
Our “Wednesday’s Winners” column will give you the back story on transparency triumphs — and details on how you can get involved to create more victories for open government. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that we are winning more victories every day at every level, so we’ll highlight those victories from around the country and around the world.
On Thursdays, Bill Allison, Sunlight’s senior fellow and resident wise man, will share his insights on the intersection of politics, technology, journalism and accountability in the “Full Disclosure” series. Bill’s long tenure as an award-winning journalist and political analyst promise a lively read every Thursday morning.
Fridays’ “Elections 2016” series will showcase how money in politics and civic technology are affecting the 2016 election cycle. Our Peter Olsen-Phillips will cover the latest in election spending by dark money groups and super PACs, while highlighting the influence shaping the race for the White House and beyond through bundling, issue ads and fundraisers. We’ll also spotlight when a new civic tech platform or grassroots movement uses the Internet to engage people in new ways to get out and vote!
We hope you’ll tune in each morning to get the latest from our bloggers and that you’ll enjoy this new weekly series.