Registration for TCamp16 is open!

It’s hard to believe, but TransparencyCamp 2016 is next month! We’ve got the planning underway, and we’re putting together what we think will be the best TCamp yet. All we need is you!
For the last eight years, we’ve gathered together a variety of journalists, policy creators, technologists, academics and citizens to discuss challenges and create solutions around the work of open government. This year, Sunlight is focusing TCamp exclusively on state and local issues, and for that reason, we’re taking it on the road. And we want you there! So mark your calendars for Oct. 14–15 and join us at TCamp in Cleveland, Ohio.
TCamp16 will feature all of your favorite unconference staples: The Wall, two days of nonstop sessions, workshops and conversations, an incredible roster of lightning speakers and plenty of fun in between!
Whether it’s a concrete plan for a new project, increased knowledge or connections, you’ll leave TransparencyCamp inspired with new insights, new goals for how communities can work together toward a smarter future and new friends to help on the journey.
So mark your calendars, tell your friends and colleagues, reserve your tickets and start submitting your ideas for sessions at TransparencyCamp.