Party: Republican |
State and District: Texas, 23 |
Born: July 30, 1949 Laredo, Texas |
Campaign cash raised: $3,667,020 |
Money from businesses that lobby: $512,284 |
Money from leadership PACs: $165,500 |
Money from in-state / out-of-state: $1,467,733 / $53,521 |
At-risk in November? Yes |
Outside group spending: $19 in support / $37,859 in opposition |
Net worth in 2010: $49,037 to $1,519,998 |
Net worth in 2011: -$202,965 to $1,244,997 |
Canseco's Capitol Words profile
How we compiled this information
Continue readingProfile: Chip Cravaack
Party: Republican |
State and District: Minnesota, 8 |
Born: Dec. 29, 1959 Charleston, W.V. |
Campaign cash raised: $2,058,598 |
Money from businesses that lobby: $235,375 |
Money from leadership PACs: $100,400 |
Money from in-state / out-of-state: $628,438 / $127,595 |
At-risk in November? Yes |
Outside group spending: $248,046 in opposition |
Net worth in 2010: $843,018 to $1,945,000 |
Net worth in 2011: Not yet reported |
Cravaack's Capitol Words profile
How we compiled this information
Continue readingProfile: Chris Gibson
Party: Republican |
State and District: New York, 19 |
Born: May 13, 1964 Rockville Centre, N.Y. |
Campaign cash raised: $3,193,882 |
Money from businesses that lobby: $442,991 |
Money from leadership PACs: $175,500 |
Money from in-state / out-of-state: $1,331,847 / $207,127 |
At-risk in November? Yes |
Outside group spending: $1,250 in support / $1,044 against |
Net worth in 2010: $100,001 to $250,000 |
Net worth in 2011: $100,001 to $250,000 |
Gibson's Capitol Words profile
How we compiled this information
Continue readingMasters of the (golf) universe? Augusta’s first female members wield political influence
Ninety-two years ago to the week after American women gained the right to vote, they finally gained access to the hallowed greens of one of the the nation's premier golf clubs. We tell you why we think the two historic firsts are connected.
Continue readingHouse freshmen: New members find new earmarks?
More than two dozen first-term House members, part of an enormous freshman class swept into office on an anti-incumbent tide of disgust over Washington insider dealing, have introduced a combined 263 bills designed to benefit the bottom lines of hometown corporations.
An analysis of campaign finance records by the Sunlight Foundation shows that some of the corporations that stand to save money from bills aimed at temporarily suspending tariffs on products that the firms import are also campaign contributors to the members of Congress introducing ...
Continue readingProfile: Robert Dold
Party: Republican |
State and District: Illinois, 10 |
Born: June 23, 1969 Evanston, Ill. |
Campaign cash raised: $5,885,315 |
Money from businesses that lobby: $672,729 |
Money from leadership PACs: $163,000 |
Money from in-state / out-of-state: $2,993,909 / $690,699 |
At-risk in November? Yes |
Outside group spending: $15,525 in support, $693.94 in opposition |
Net worth in 2010: $696,022 to $6,394,996 |
Net worth in 2011: $1,047,023 to $6,409,996 |
Dold's Capitol Words profile
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Profile: Mick Mulvaney
Party: Republican |
State and District: South Carolina, 5 |
Born: July 21, 1967 Alexandria, Va. |
Campaign cash raised: $2,202,415 |
Money from businesses that lobby: $281,094 |
Money from leadership PACs: $90,998 |
Money from in-state / out-of-state: $665,843 / $446,650 |
At-risk in November? No |
Outside group spending: None reported |
Net worth in 2010: $1,514,081 to $6,310,997 |
Net worth in 2011: $551,071 to $5,892,096 |
Mulvaney's Capitol Words profile
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Profile: Todd Young
Party: Republican |
State and District: Indiana, 9 |
Born: Aug. 24, 1972 Lancaster, Penn. |
Campaign cash raised: $3,227,862 |
Money from businesses that lobby: $231,000 |
Money from leadership PACs: $90,000 |
Money from in-state / out-of-state: $1,608,429 / $402,947 |
At-risk in November? No |
Outside group spending: $34,327 in opposition |
Net worth in 2010: -$4,997 to $134,999 |
Net worth in 2011: -$489,995 to $684,998 |
Young's Capitol Words profile
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House freshmen: Campaign finance raw data
For the data nerds out there, we've put together spreadsheets of the campaign finance analysis of the freshmen class used for this story. It includes data reported to the Federal Election Commission as of the second quarter of 2012. Click below to see a table.
Continue readingFreshmen at a glance
Of the 89 House freshmen elected in November, 2010, some stand out. Sunlight has produced quick statistical sheets on some of the rookie lawmakers who figure prominently in our examination of this year's first termers.
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