Dear Mr. Stephen Colbert: We here at Sunlight all quite enjoyed your mock outrage at the declining level of congressional... View Article
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Transbearency Strikes Back, or Citizens United and the Case for Comedy
[View the story “Citizens United and the Case for Comedy” on Storify]
Continue readingCRP Meets Colbert
Steven Colbert’s nascent presidential campaign came up against reality last night when he interviewed Massie Ritsch, the communications director for the Center for Responsive Politics. Ritsch gave Colbert the one-two of how he could legally finance his presidential run, which, at one point stunned Colbert into silence. Enjoy the whole encounter.
Continue readingComedy Comes to Congresspedia
Congresspedia now has links to the Colbert Report for each member interviewed in his "Better Know a District" series. You would never know that learning about your member of Congress could be so entertaining. Check it out, like Craig Newmark has, on the home page of
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