Sunlight's Melissa Yeager, Libby Watson and Louis Serino crash the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia! Stay tuned to our blog as they'll be live-tweeting, snapping photos, shooting videos and bringing you the latest news — all with a focus on money in politics, influence and more. We'll be compiling the most interesting missives from the DNC.
Continue readingTag Archive: Democratic National Convention
In Terms of Transparency, the First Step is Admitting There is a Problem
In its platform, released yesterday, the Democratic Party decrees that, “We are committed to the most open, efficient, and accountable... View Article
Continue readingIt’s…………Party Time!
Today, we are launching a new Web site, Party Time, a project to track parties thrown at the 2008 Democratic... View Article
Continue readingConvention Goodie Bags
You’re going to Denver for the Democratic convention and you think to yourself, “What will I need to survive this... View Article
Continue readingCorporate Access at the Democratic Convention
Monday's edition of the Rocky Mountain News, Kevin Vaughan has a detailed article about the 56 national corporations, from Allstate to Xerox, that are sponsoring/funding this summer's Democratic National Convention in Denver. And as Vaughan writes, they all either do business with the federal government or they have pending legislation in Congress or regulation issues with the federal bureaucracy. (Of course, the same situation exists for the Republican National Convention to be held in Minneapolis as well. Expect to see a story about that soon from someplace.) What the corporations get for their sponsorship of the conventions is access to party leaders, members of Congress and their staff, and to possibly the soon to be occupants of the West Wing of the White House.
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