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Tag Archive: Earmarks

Madoff’s firm lobbied for earmarks


Yesterday I was talking to some folks about whether, given the trillions potentially committed to bailouts, there's any sense in continuing to probe earmarks. I say of course there is.

Our friends at the Center for Responsive Politics put together a handy guide to the political influence wielded by Bernard L. Madoff, who was arrested and charged with running a hedge fund that allegedly operated as a giant ponzi scheme. Among the information CRP flagged was a lobbying disclosure from 2005 from the firm of Lent, Scrivner & Roth, LLC, which shows, on page three, that Bernard L. Madoff Investment ...

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Time can’t find an outrageous Defense earmark


Time Magazine offers its list of the top ten wasteful earmarks proposed in 2008 (note that many of these were proposed but not funded -- download a complete list of earmarks that were funded by going here.

Surprisingly, there's not a single Defense earmark on the list. While $98,000 earmarks for walking tours to colonial era taverns and race tracks might seem ridiculous, how about the $2 million Rep. Harold Rogers, R-Ky., secured for UH-60 transmission drip pans, which Anu wrote about here (and note that this is a new earmark).

Past examples aren't hard to find --

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