The same activity that has led Jack Abramoff to become a household name symbolizing congressional corruption once led to his dismissal from the top post of the College Republicans. The Boston Globe profiles Abramoff’s leadership of the RNC funded College Republicans organization in an effort to “remove liberals from power permanently” and build a strong and independently funded organization. Abramoff, spurred by a belief that the press, student associations, and liberal professors were undercover agents of Moscow, furiously campaigned to raise money for the organization despite protests from RNC officials, who he derided as moderates affiliated with George H.W. Bush. He created a separate group, the College Republican National Fund, to raise money and skirt tax laws. Abramoff also lied about his access to power in his direct mail appeals, according to the Globe, foreshadowing his future prevaricating. Abramoff’s oversized personality and actions eventually forced the RNC to push him out of the top spot at the College Republicans.
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